
Krita 4.1.5 Released

Published 10/11/2018

Krita is an open-source (GPL) digital painting application: Free paint software for creative artists and amateurs with a number of drawing tools, image enhancements and effects for creating digital art. The download is available as an EXE file and the latest version is 4.4.1. Krita 4.1.7 Released. Today we’re releasing Krita 4.1.7, another bug fix release in the Krita 4.1 series. The most important fix is a weird one: it might help your wifi connection. The problem is that we started building a widget that would show you the news feed from krita.org.

Coming hot on the heels of Krita 4.1.3, which had an unfortunate accident to the TIFF plugin, we’re releasing Krita 4.1.5 today! There’s a lot more than just that fix, though, since we’re currently celebrating the last week of the Krita Fundraiser by having a very productive development sprint in Deventer, the Netherlands.

Download: Just download Krita 4.0, they are part of it by default.: v3.0, Krita 2.7.0 - Base for many Krita default. Adding a standard for thumbnails.

There are some nice highlights as well, like much improved support for scaling on hi-dpi or retina screens. But here’s a full list of more than fifty fixes:

  • Associate Krita with .ico files
  • Auto-update the device pixel ration when changing screens
  • Disable autoscrolling for the pan tool
  • Disable drag & drop in the recent documents list BUG:399397
  • Disable zoom-in/out actions when editing text in rich-text mode BUG:399157
  • Do not add template files to recent documents list BUG:398877
  • Do not allow creating masks on locked layers. BUG:399145
  • Do not close the settings dialog when pressing enter while searching for a shortcut BUG:399116
  • Fill polyline shapes if some fill style was selected BUG:399135
  • Fix Tangent Normal paintop to work with 16 and 32 bit floating point images BUG:398826
  • Fix a blending issue with the color picker when picking a color for the first time BUG:394399
  • Fix a problem with namespaces when loading SVG
  • Fix an assert when right-clicking the animation timeline BUG:399435
  • Fix autohiding the color selector popup
  • Fix canvas scaling in hidpi mode BUG:360541
  • Fix deleting canvas input settings shortcuts BUG:385662
  • Fix loading multiline text with extra mark-up BUG:399227
  • Fix loading of special unicode whitespace characters BUG:392710
  • Fix loading the alpha channel from Photoshop TIFF files BUG:376950
  • Fix missing shortcut from Fill Tool tooltip. BUG:399111
  • Fix projection update after undoing create layer BUG:399575
  • Fix saving layer lock, alpha lock and alpha inheritance. BUG:399513
  • Fix saving the location of audio source files in .kra files
  • Fix selections and transform tool overlay when Mirror Axis is active BUG:395222
  • Fix setting active session after creating a new one
  • Fix showing the color selector popup in hover mode
  • Fix the ctrl-w close window shortcut on Windows BUG:399339
  • Fix the overview docker BUG:396922, BUG:384033
  • Fix the shift-I color selector shortcut
  • Fix unsuccessful restoring of a session blocking Krita from closing BUG:399203
  • Import SVG files as vector layers instead of pixel layers BUG:399166
  • Improve spacing between canvas input setting categories
  • Make Krita merge layers correctly if the order of selecting layers is not top-down. BUG:399146
  • Make it possible to select the SVG text tool text has been moved inside an hidden group and then made visible again BUG:395412
  • Make the color picker pick the alpha channel value correctly. BUG:399169
  • Prevent opening filter dialogs on non-editable layers. BUG:398915
  • Reset the brush preset selection docker on creating a new document BUG:399340
  • Support fractional display scaling factors
  • Update color history after fill BUG:379199



Note for Windows users: if you encounter crashes, please follow these instructions to use the debug symbols so we can figure out where Krita crashes.

  • 64 bits Windows: krita-x64-4.1.5-setup.exe
  • Portable 64 bits Windows: krita-x64-4.1.5.zip
  • Debug symbols. (Unpack in the Krita installation folder)
  • 32 bits Windows: krita-x86-4.1.5-setup.exe
  • Portable 32 bits Windows: krita-x86-4.1.5.zip
  • Debug symbols. (Unpack in the Krita installation folder)


  • 64 bits Linux: krita-4.1.5-x86_64.appimage
  • 64 bits Linux G’Mic-Qt plugin appimage.

(If, for some reason, Firefox thinks it needs to load this as text: to download, right-click on the link.)

When it is updated, you can also use the Krita Lime PPA to install Krita 4.1.5 on Ubuntu and derivatives. We are working on an updated snap.


  • OSX disk image: krita-

Note: the touch docker, gmic-qt and python plugins are not available on OSX.

Source code

  • Source code: krita-4.1.5.tar.gz


For all downloads:

  • md5sum.txt


The Linux appimage and the source tarball are signed. You can retrieve the public key over https here:
0x58b9596c722ea3bd.asc. The signatures are here (filenames ending in .sig).

Support Krita

Krita is a free and open source project. Please consider supporting the project with donations or by buying training videos or the artbook! With your support, we can keep the core team working on Krita full-time.

Krita is a free and open source illustration and painting tool which performs quite nicely for those with a creative side.

Krita 4.4.0

Though many people use expensive software like Adobe Photoshop these days, Krita is an excellent alternative with its own niche. It can be used to create all different types of art and illustrations including those for designers, game creators or cartoons.

The layout of Krita looks familiar, featuring a number of different drawing tools to the left, similar to Photoshop. The top menu has what you might already be used to with menu items such as File, Edit, View, Image, Layer, Select, Filter, Tools, Settings, Window and Help; quite similar again to Photoshop.

With all of the similarities to Adobe Photoshop out of the way, Krita features a number of tools which actually seem more intuitive than its commercial counterparts; It comes with 9 preset brushes for painting images like a pen, marker, pencil, etc.

The Image menu of Krita provides access to different image manipulation tools such as mirror, flip, rotate, shear image, color space conversion, image split and more. The layer menu does some of what the image menu does and more, as you would expect from specific layer editing options.

As a powerful image editor, Krita also provides a number of filters built-in like artistic effects, blurring, sharpening and various enhancements.

Digging in a bit deeper reveals a lot of different gems within Krita and those with artistic inclinations may be tempted to spend a bit more time playing around with the tools and image enhancement features Krita offers.

Overall, Krita is an excellent image editing and paint suite which is fully capable of providing artists and designers with a bunch of free tools otherwise costing quite a bit.

Krita can add text to an image, apply special effects to a picture, create web graphics and create and edit layers.

Features and highlights

  • Intuitive user interface
  • Stabilizer brush to smoothen it out
  • Pick your color and brush by right-clicking on the canvas
  • Over 9 unique brush engines
  • Create seamless textures and patterns
  • Import brush and texture packs from other artists
  • Highly configurable interface
  • Wrap-around mode
  • Resource manager
  • Drawing assistants
  • Mirroring tools
  • Layer management
  • Selections
  • Layer masks
  • Full Color management
  • OpenGL enhanced

Krita on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs

This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from graphics editors without restrictions. Krita 4.4.1 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows 10 PCs but also without a hitch on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Compatibility with this digital painting software may vary, but will generally run fine under Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP on either a 32-bit or 64-bit setup. A separate x64 version of Krita may be available from The Krita team.

Krita 4.1 7 Download 64-bit

The program was created by the developer as a freeware product, but donations for the continued development are highly appreciated. You may generally make a donation via the developer's main web site.

Krita 4.1.7

Filed under:

Krita Free Version

  1. Krita Download
  2. Freeware Graphics Editors
  3. Open source and GPL software
  4. Major release: Krita 4.4
  5. Digital Painting Software