Name: PESZS2017EDITOR.rar. Size: 0.27 MB Uploaded: 11:48. 03 Apr 2018 20:48. Upload/Download has been moved to the https/ssl protocol. Pes 2017 Crowd Disabler By NxEditor. Download & Extract files. Copy the CPK into the folder “C:. Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 download. د انلود نرم افزار PES Editor 1.2 برای PES 2017 توجه: این نسخه فشرده شده دارای ۵% ریکاوری می باشد. این ویژگی باعث می شود تا مشکل در اکسترکت کردن فایل ها، کاملا به صفر برسد. PES 2017 Team Editor Manager 2017 Team Editor Manager has been updated to latest version, thanks to Lagun-2 for this amazing tool. Now you can create some modification for your PES 2017 game.
Download PES 2017 Editor Alpha v0.5 by Ejogc327
Name: PESZS2017EDITOR.rar. Size: 0.27 MB Uploaded: 11:48. 03 Apr 2018 20:48. Upload/Download has been moved to the https/ssl protocol.
This tool works to edit stats for PES 2017 PC. It has two modes :
- Data files: works for DT10.cpk (DT36.cpk PlayerAppearances.bin) decompressed (don’t need decompress each file .bin).
- Edit file (EDIT00000000 decrypted).
Photo Editor Download
This tool edits :
- Players.
- Transfers.
- Teams.
- Formations.
- Competition entry.
- Coach.
- Stadium.
- Import/Export in CSV files: Players, Teams, PlayerAssignment.
- Global Functions.
- This tool is in English and Spanish. If you want add another language in other version, please translate the file ENG.txt and share it.
- If you import new teams in Teams.bin, the game can’t create EDIT file. You’ll need create EDIT file with the new teams manually.
- The CSV files can be separated by comma, semicolon or tabulation, but must be *.csv.
- The CSV files must be UNICODE or UTF-8 to get special characters.
- In EDIT mode, can’t create players with any Id. It must be higher than 1048576 (0x100000).
Instructions to load Data files :
- Click on Image or File->Open.
- Select the folder where are the folder “common”.
- Select the folder where are the folder “common”.
- Press on “Assign url” to replicate the links or select url for each file, and “Accept”.
It’s necessary have all files :
- Player.bin
- Coach.bin
- PlayerAssignment.bin
- Team.bin
- Competition.bin
- CompetitionEntry.bin
- CompetitionRegulation.bin
- Stadium.bin
- Tactics.bin
- TacticsFormation.bin
- PlayerAppearance.bin (default in commoncharacter0modelcharacterappearance)
Download Pes 2017 Settings
PES 2017 Editor 0.5 by ejogc327
Editor Download Free
This tool works to edit stats for PES 2017 PC. It has two modes:
Data files: works for DT10.cpk (DT36.cpk PlayerAppearances.bin) decompressed (don’t need decompress each file .bin).
Edit file (EDIT00000000 decrypted).
This tool edits:
Competition entry.
Import/Export in CSV files: Players, Teams, PlayerAssignment.
Global Functions.
This tool is in English and Spanish. If you want add another language in other version, please translate the file ENG.txt and share it.
If you import new teams in Teams.bin, the game can’t create EDIT file. You’ll need create EDIT file with the new teams manually.
The CSV files can be separated by comma, semicolon or tabulation, but must be *.csv.
The CSV files must be UNICODE or UTF-8 to get special characters.
In EDIT mode, can’t create players with any Id. It must be higher than 1048576 (0x100000).